Hello Everyone!
We are writing to remind and ask all of you to please be praying for our mission trip in April 2013 to Uganda and consider going with us.
As we shared in our last update, we have an amazing opportunity to lead a large youth conference in Lira, Uganda.
It will involve 9-12 churches in the region and as many as 500 young people. It will be the first youth conference ever hosted in the area and the young people there are ripe for the harvest!!
However, we need hands and feet!! People to teach, help, lead worship, play sports etc..Brooke and I cannot do this one alone. Would you seriously pray about going and helping?? Would you pray about supporting someone else to go? Airline tickets for Uganda must be purchased 8-10 weeks in advance or they become very expensive. This means that we would need committed people by February 1, 2013 with airfare in hand.
We know God will bring the team if this is His will and time. All we can do is ask and pray.
Please don't be fearful. Africa is an amazing trip and it will honestly change your life. So, pray and let us know if you are interested. Of course, if you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
Blessings during this CHRIST-mas season!!
Wayne & Brooke
Praying Outside of Circumstances
As 2012 comes to an end I find myself looking back over the year & recalling God’s faithfulness in so many varied situations. I remember being asked to travel to Peru for 2 months to teach at a Bible College & allow the director & his wife a needed vacation. We did not have the funds for the tickets but we knew as we prayed that it was God’s will so we said yes & committed. The very next day, we received an unexpected donation that was sufficient to pay for the tickets!! We had not told anyone our need.
The Ladies of CC Bible College Peru! |
This has been God’s M.O. with us for years now. What we have learned is that God wants us to pray not based on what we see but based on who He is! In other words we should not pray saying, “Well, I would like to do that or go there but….fill in the blank. God is greater than all the details & if we would just let Him, He would blast right through them & reveal Himself over & over.
He is as faithful as the sunrise every morning! |
I guess this would be called faith; believing anything is possible because I look not at what I can see or imagine or understand, but because I look beyond to what I can’t see or imagine or even understand & choose to trust in His faithfulness to accomplish His will for me.
So as I move into 2013 I have decided I want to be even more certain & sure of His total control of my life. I want to be abiding so closely that when He calls I can say immediately as Mary did, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word" & then go & obey. What we see as mountains God sees as speed bumps. He is so far above our challenges & so able to do abundantly beyond what we can see or think or imagine.
So, if God has put a desire in your heart, purpose to no longer look at all the reason why you can’t, but believe you can do all things through Christ Jesus who is your strength, shield, refuge, provider & on & on ... Pray solely for His will & direction, looking past this world to the great I AM.
Believing in Jesus!
This Temporal Life
Call me weird but when I travel, I like to visit cemeteries. I am always fascinated how people try to preserve life and immortalize themselves or the ones they love. There ornate tombs with busts of the deceased...average nondescript headstones...and the abandoned, broken down, almost illegible grave site.
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Music was my Gig! |
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Immortalized |
Holding On |
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Forgotten! |
So the questions arise, "What is this life? What is important? How do I make an impact in this life?" Because ultimately it is ashes to ashes and dust to dust!
When I look at a tombstone, I generally see a dash between the birth date and death of the deceased. A dash...many times that is all we are given. We know nothing about this person. Was she a mother? Was he a successful business person? Did they know Jesus as Lord and Savior?
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! |
I also want to leave behind a legacy...not a name for myself...but a legacy of a life serving the Lord. A legacy apparent by my family still traversing this earth. My prayer is that I have done all I can do to point them to Jesus...that I have lived a life of faith that exemplified my love for the Lord. That they would see how glorious it is to live a life here and now for the future kingdom.
So how are we living out our dash in life?
WayneLord I can only do it with Your grace and by your strength!
The House...Thankful Part 2
Here is another thing we are thankful for...our little house in our little town.
Last month our son-in-law and many friends from our church here in Britt helped us transform our house from this....
And Finally.... to this!!!!!!

Thank you Lord for friends and family!
Last month our son-in-law and many friends from our church here in Britt helped us transform our house from this....
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Front 2010 |
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Backdoor |
Stripping it down |
Front October 2012 |
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Looking a bit ghetto |
Just a little more paint |
And Finally.... to this!!!!!!
Front November 2012 |
Thank you Lord for friends and family!
Why We Are Thankful
This past month we were blessed to have our daughter, son-in-law and grand-children with us! The icing on the cake was the birth of our 4th right here in our home.
Marillyn, our daughter, is an amazing young woman. She was born deaf but has never let that hold her back from what she thinks the Lord wants her to do. She and Jon, her husband have chosen to answer the call of God to serve in Honduras with their 4 children. We are so blessed to be a part of what the Lord is doing in their lives.
Each of our grand-children are unique. They each know that they are my "favorite"! Naomi is my favorite oldest grand-daughter. She is the contemplation one. Tabitha used to be my favorite youngest grand-daughter, but now she has a baby sister so she is now the favorite middle grand-daughter who was born in Costa Rica. She is the goofy/funny one. Tobias is my favorite grand-son. He is all boy and knows how to charm. Poema is my favorite youngest grand-daughter now. It will be fun to see how she grows and what personality she takes on.
What a blessing to be a grandpa!
Marillyn, our daughter, is an amazing young woman. She was born deaf but has never let that hold her back from what she thinks the Lord wants her to do. She and Jon, her husband have chosen to answer the call of God to serve in Honduras with their 4 children. We are so blessed to be a part of what the Lord is doing in their lives.
Each of our grand-children are unique. They each know that they are my "favorite"! Naomi is my favorite oldest grand-daughter. She is the contemplation one. Tabitha used to be my favorite youngest grand-daughter, but now she has a baby sister so she is now the favorite middle grand-daughter who was born in Costa Rica. She is the goofy/funny one. Tobias is my favorite grand-son. He is all boy and knows how to charm. Poema is my favorite youngest grand-daughter now. It will be fun to see how she grows and what personality she takes on.
What a blessing to be a grandpa!
Rocket Stove Evangelism
In September when we went to Uganda, we had a young Ugandan man by the name of Felix Dai serve as one of our translators and guide. He also teaches Inductive Bible Study seminars along side of Moses. He came along both times we made rocket stoves in Paidha for two widows. He was so impressed with the ease of construction and efficiency that he said he could not wait to build some for people in his village.
Well he did not take long because within a week of our returning I received this email with the attached pictures.

I am very excited about the rocket stove, yesterday one just like the
one we made in Paidha, and am greatly encouraged by the efficiency of
the stove, I tested it immediately and in only 10 minutes the tea was
ready because we had very good wood, and the owner decided to
continue using it straight away, and she asked me to make for her two. S
he said 'this stove is exceedingly hot, and I love it"
I have actually tried the use the stove to preach the gospel, and that is my heart, I used the story of Jeremiah in the potter's house, to tell that God is the creator and he desire that we live a life that portrays his likeness, but when Adam and eve sinned against him, it became impossible for the sinful man to portray the image of the Holy God. so the old sin of Adam and Eve passed from generation to generation, Just like the smoke from your old stove continually disturb you.

But now you will be alright because we are going to make you a stove
that does not produce smoke, except when starting the fire. This God also worked out a way for mankind to be set free from the old sins meaning the ancestral and individual sin, by sending his only son Jesus to die on the cross, and the bible says in 2 Cor. 5:17 Wherefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new. You are therefore only made new when you believe in Jesus as the only Lord and Savior.

And I use the three stones to tell them that for the new things to come, you need to REPENT which is represented by the first stone, BELIEVE IN JESUS, which is the second stone, then be BAPTIZED which is this last stone, then I tell them these three stones keeps the pot balanced.

Then I ask them do you like the stove? the answer is obviously, yes. Do you realize that we have been grieving God just as the old stove made you uncomfortable by causing your tears to roll down your cheek time and again.

Do you want God to be happy with you?, then accept Jesus just as you have received the stove with gladness.
Felix is a great man of God. Please pray for him as he reaches out to share the gospel, make rocket stoves and teach IBS.
Jesus said, "Go!"

We have a strong desire to see more people step out of their comfort zone and answer God's call. It is too easy to get distracted by the ways and comforts of this world, forgetting that this world is not our home. It is a vapor compared to all of eternity. Sowing into the next life, the one that will last forever is most important!!
I think the greatest blessing I receive from taking people out on the field is watching them change right before my eyes! Our teams, thus far, have ranged in age from 16 to 70 and yet the impact is the same. Not only do they all express the realization they own way too much and are too self-focused, but they also realize they can have an impact. They can bring change to people's lives in little ways that will ring for all eternity. We don't have to be super Christians to serve the Lord; we just need to be willing to answer the call. So my encouragement to you is GO! We would be blessed to have anyone of you join us on a trip. God has a vision for the world and He wants all of us to catch that huge vision.
Going for Jesus!
Simply God's Word
The trip to Africa in June was truly amazing! We were a team of 11 ladies traveling, eating, sleeping & ministering together for 2 weeks & we got along splendidly! We give praise to the Spirit of God working in each one of us! The ministry was so rich! I believe & pray that much fruit will be born from it.
In Lira, Uganda, we were joined by two other women & again blessed with 200 ladies at the conference. The excitement as they began to understand & participate in the training was overwhelming. My highlight was on the 2nd morning when I witnessed that moment when most of them suddenly understood what we were teaching…”the lights went on”. Their joy was abounding!! Again, our Children’s team traveled to several schools, including a very poor village school & ministered the love of Jesus to around 250 kids.
There is not nearly enough room here to describe all that God did so all I can say is thank you to all of you who prayed for & supported this team. Several of the ladies desire to return & we are already planning another trip in June 2013! Maybe you would like to join us...let me know!
New Venture in Faith
So here we are, yet the beginning of another chapter of life! Our desire over the next 12 months is to lay our lives down and see what the Lord does with them. We have plans. We have desires. We have vision. BUT...
Following is a brief outline of vision for this year:
The Goal: To train up nationals to rightly divide God’s Word, to understand the biblical model of Worship & to use appropriate and sustainable technology. They can then teach, train & help people in their own communities, duplicating the process, saving many lives & reaching the lost.
"A mans heart plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9We have seen the Lord work in some crazy but believable ways the past 4 years. He has never left us wanting. He has always taken care of every need. He has remained faithful even we have been faithless!
Following is a brief outline of vision for this year:
Water - the essence of physical life
Worship - the essence of the soul
Worship - the essence of the soul
The Word - the essence of Spiritual life!
Statement of Purpose: To bring the knowledge of God’s Word, the Love of Christ & sustainable technology/skills to the poor thereby saving lives spiritually & physically one at a time.
The Beginning: WW&W is currently working in Honduras and Uganda. In Honduras we are working alongside Rancho Oasis 4 Youth, using their facility to train, teach & reach the pastors & people in the nearby mountain communities.
In Uganda we have partnered with Ugandan national Pastor, Moses Ouni, to assist in building a Pastoral training center in Paidah, located on the Congo border. in the West Nile. The vision is to train up Pastors from Uganda, The Congo, Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Tanzania & Kenya.

The Future: Our hope & prayer is that the Lord will expand the ministry to many other countries, training Pastors & missionaries so they can in turn train those they minister to. This training & technology is applicable in every 3rd world country; from Africa to Asia & Mexico to Central & South America.
Spiritual Specifics: We want to purposefully bring the good news of Jesus Christ to lost, hurting & dying people. We do this by seeking out churches, national ministry leaders & missionaries to train them in Inductive Bible Study principles & in-depth Bible training so they can rightly divide & personally apply the Word of truth to their lives & the people they disciple.
Technology Specifics: Two of the largest killers of poor people in the 3rd world are water born disease from unclean water & lung cancer from open fire cook stoves. WW&W offers several technologies.
These in home, personal water filters produce up to 10 gallons of clean water every day for a family. They are easy to build & maintain, with no additional parts or pieces to be purchased, replaced or supplied once operational.
High Efficiency Cook Stoves:
These simple cook stoves, built totally with local materials, burn at such a high heat there is little to no smoke. They also require one quarter of the usual fuel to cook.
The benefit of teaching people how to grow their own food is to bring health, healing, hope & happiness.
Dry Compost Toilets:
These above ground toilets stop ground water contamination & provide a viable fertilizer for trees and crops.
How You Can Help: This teaching & technology can save many lives both physically & for all eternity. However, we cannot do this alone. We need a team of committed people who will pray, financially support the work & even travel along helping teach, train up & build. Funds can be designated for technologies or generally for teaching & traveling.
So off we go on another venture of faith with our Lord and Savior!
Thank you for your prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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