Jesus says in John 15 that we are the branches and He is the vine. He exhorts us to abide in the vine. And then He explains how the vine dresser cares for the branches. Some He lifts up and others He prunes or cleans.
This past year has totally been a year of being lifted up by the Lord. All through this trial of the accident and multiple operations, He has lifted me up so that I might continue.
Now as I recover, my body and mind seem to be much stronger than any time this year. So now is His time to prune, to clean. He is going deeper once again to prune out the sin in my life; covetousness, lust, pride, critical spirit, etc., etc., etc.
I think this is all a part of His process of maturing me for His good pleasure. Last May 2014 while in Ensenada, Mexico He said He wanted me to answer the call. Not sure what that meant nor do I know exactly what it means even now. But I know it was His voice. In September 2014 He told Brooke and me that we were to go back to Iowa in 2015 and wait on Him to reveal what He wanted to do next in our lives. Never in a thousand years did I think that would equate to a major life changing accident and three operations. But He has been faithful to sustain us spiritually, materially and physically.
We are not sure exactly how the Lord is going to use us in 2016 but we know that this has been a year of testing, trying, molding and shaping. We know that what ever He calls us to and where ever He calls us to, it will be for his glory; to spread the gospel, to go and make disciples, to equip and send.
Thank you Lord for counting this unworthy servant able to to accomplish Your will for Your kingdom!
We covet the prayers of the saints!