These past two months have had us close to home. As a result I have had the blessing of being involved with two ladies Bible studies. We are going through the book of Galatians inductively verse by verse. The main theme of Galatians is the comparison of Grace and The Law. Paul is passionate and even righteously angry about the men who have come in and are trying to draw these new believers into or back under the law. He wants them to understand that the freedom they have received through Christ’s death is true freedom; freedom from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:1-2).
He even goes as far as to say that if anyone perverts the gospel of grace they are cursed! This is strong language which reflects the seriousness of this issue. God wants us to be free to find our own way in Him. Free to live each day by grace and not by acts. The law says I must do certain things but God just wants me to be with Him and learn to obey Him. This is grace; not what I do but who I am in Christ!
What I love about studying inductively is that we must always bring the Scriptures down to personal, daily application. This is where real, long term life change comes in. So, as I am looking into this epistle, I see time and again how I too set up a law for myself. I bring myself back under my own law. One that God never intended for me. I think that I must perform a certain way in order to keep God’s favor or attention. I then want to place others under my law, asking them to perform in certain ways as well.
So I must take inventory regularly and ask myself, “Have I set up any laws that God did not intend? Am I trying to please God in my flesh? Am I looking to please others?” I believe we set up boundaries, a fence line, in our own lives as a way of feeling safe. Then we think we are free because we have rules to keep us safe. However, what I am beginning to understand is that if I build a fence then I remove the daily need to cling to Christ for safety and wisdom. I might feel comfortable but I will miss the depth of a relationship founded upon need. So I am determined to tear the fence down and keep it down. To abide in and cling to my one and only safe place; Jesus Christ!
Free because of Jesus!