
Uganda Missions Opportunity

Hello Everyone! 

We are writing to remind and ask all of you to please be praying for our mission trip in April 2013 to Uganda and consider going with us. 

As we shared in our last update, we have an amazing opportunity to lead a large youth conference in Lira, Uganda. It will involve 9-12 churches in the region and as many as 500 young people. It will be the first youth conference ever hosted in the area and the young people there are ripe for the harvest!! 

 However, we need hands and feet!! People to teach, help, lead worship, play sports etc..Brooke and I cannot do this one alone. Would you seriously pray about going and helping?? Would you pray about supporting someone else to go? Airline tickets for Uganda must be purchased 8-10 weeks in advance or they become very expensive. This means that we would need committed people by February 1, 2013 with airfare in hand. 

 We know God will bring the team if this is His will and time. All we can do is ask and pray. Please don't be fearful. Africa is an amazing trip and it will honestly change your life. So, pray and let us know if you are interested. Of course, if you have any questions, please get in touch with us. 

 Blessings during this CHRIST-mas season!!

Wayne & Brooke


Praying Outside of Circumstances

  As 2012 comes to an end I find myself looking back over the year & recalling God’s faithfulness in so many varied situations. I remember being asked to travel to Peru for 2 months to teach at a Bible College & allow the director & his wife a needed vacation. We did not have the funds for the tickets but we knew as we prayed that it was God’s will so we said yes & committed. The very next day, we received an unexpected donation that was sufficient to pay for the tickets!! We had not told anyone our need.
The Ladies of CC Bible College Peru!

  This has been God’s M.O. with us for years now. What we have learned is that God wants us to pray not based on what we see but based on who He is! In other words we should not pray saying, “Well, I would like to do that or go there but….fill in the blank. God is greater than all the details & if we would just let Him, He would blast right through them & reveal Himself over & over.

He is as faithful as the sunrise every morning!

  I guess this would be called faith; believing anything is possible because I look not at what I can see or imagine or understand, but because I look beyond to what I can’t see or imagine or even understand & choose to trust in His faithfulness to accomplish His will for me.

  So as I move into 2013 I have decided I want to be even more certain & sure of His total control of my life. I want to be abiding so closely that when He calls I can say immediately as Mary did, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word" & then go & obey. What we see as mountains God sees as speed bumps. He is so far above our challenges & so able to do abundantly beyond what we can see or think or imagine.

  So, if God has put a desire in your heart, purpose to no longer look at all the reason why you can’t, but believe you can do all things through Christ Jesus who is your strength, shield, refuge, provider & on & on ... Pray solely for His will & direction, looking past this world to the great I AM.

Believing in Jesus!


This Temporal Life

Call me weird but when I travel, I like to visit cemeteries. I am always fascinated how people try to preserve life and immortalize themselves or the ones they love. There ornate tombs with busts of the deceased...average nondescript headstones...and the abandoned, broken down, almost illegible grave site.

Music was my Gig!


Holding On


So the questions arise, "What is this life? What is important? How do I make an impact in this life?" Because ultimately it is ashes to ashes and dust to dust!

When I look at a tombstone, I generally see a dash between the birth date and death of the deceased. A dash...many times that is all we are given. We know nothing about this person. Was she a mother? Was he a successful business person? Did they know Jesus as Lord and Savior?

So I try to live by this principle..."live today like it is your last day". I do not want to leave behind others with regrets. The Bible says, "As much as possible with you, live at peace with all men."

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

I also want to leave behind a legacy...not a name for myself...but a legacy of a life serving the Lord. A legacy apparent by my family still traversing this earth. My prayer is that I have done all I can do to point them to Jesus...that I have lived a life of faith that exemplified my love for the Lord. That they would see how glorious it is to live a life here and now for the future kingdom.

So how are we living out our dash in life?

Lord I can only do it with Your grace and by your strength!