We have a strong desire to see more people step out of their comfort zone and answer God's call. It is too easy to get distracted by the ways and comforts of this world, forgetting that this world is not our home. It is a vapor compared to all of eternity. Sowing into the next life, the one that will last forever is most important!!
I think the greatest blessing I receive from taking people out on the field is watching them change right before my eyes! Our teams, thus far, have ranged in age from 16 to 70 and yet the impact is the same. Not only do they all express the realization they own way too much and are too self-focused, but they also realize they can have an impact. They can bring change to people's lives in little ways that will ring for all eternity. We don't have to be super Christians to serve the Lord; we just need to be willing to answer the call. So my encouragement to you is GO! We would be blessed to have anyone of you join us on a trip. God has a vision for the world and He wants all of us to catch that huge vision.
Going for Jesus!