We Give Thanks to God for ...
There are many things to be thankful for as we seek and serve the Lord here in Puerto Morelos, Mexico. The following are a few things we are thankful for:
1. The grace of our loving Father.
He is so patient, loving and faithful! His Son died for our sins and He sent His Spirit as our Helper.
2. Each other.
The Lord has brought Brooke and me through many things over the years and we see our love growing deeper as a result of the difficult times.
3. Family.
Our one daughter has given us 5 beautiful grandchildren. We could not imagine our life without them or their amazing parents.
Also my father and mother because they had to put up with a lot over the years and they still love me!
4. You!
This is a last but not least item because without your prayers, encouragement, support and love, we would not have the privilege of making disciples. Thank You, which can never be said enough!
5. Puerto Morelos.
It amazes us that the Lord allows us to live in such a beautiful place as we go and make disciples.
There are so many more people and things for which to be thankful!
Prayer Request
Please pray for the outreach dinner that we are hosting on Thanksgiving; 50 people are attending. We know only a handful of them so we are excited to get to know more people from this community. There will be people from the USA, Canada, Mexico, France, South Africa and Germany, so it should be a very interesting & fun time!
Thank you for thinking of us as you gather to give thanks this coming Thursday! We covet your prayers!
May God richly bless you!
Wayne & Brooke
We Give Thanks ...
I wish I had the space and you had the time so I could share all the divine appointments God has brought about in just the past few weeks. Honestly, I have seen God move many times and in many

For example, two days ago a "chance" meeting brought us into contact with a family here. I heard they home-schooled and wondered if they were Christians. My friend and I went for a visit yesterday which turned into another God event. This Christian family from Colorado has been living in Puerto half the year for the past 10 years. They currently travel to Cancun for fellowship and have been praying for years for the Lord to bring someone to Puerto to shape a Christian community. They are as excited that we are here as we are that they are here. They have a wealth of knowledge about the community and the culture of Mexico which will be a great blessing for us as we set down roots. Plus, I will have a friend with a kindred Spirit in Christ!
The best part of the pace with which God has chosen to build is that we don’t even have the chance to get our hands on it. What I mean is, so often, because God does move slowly, we think we need to help Him out. Kind of like Sarah did with her maidservant, trying to force or make things happen! When Wayne and I moved here to Puerto, we made a covenant with God and each other that we were going to let God do all the building. We simply wake up each day, pray, avail ourselves for His use and see what happens. So far everyday something happens. Life happens, people happen and God’s Love happens!
Look around the fields are white for harvest, so many searching for answers and we can provide those answers. Thanks for being a part of this divine journey!
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