We thought you all might be interested in hearing from the GAP Students; now that they have had time to process the past six months.
“God surely has done a lot in my life due to my training in the GAP discipleship. Now I am much more confident in my faith, whereas before GAP I was questioning. Being confident in my belief in Jesus Christ helps me to stand on firm ground, allows my prayer life to have more meaning, and helps me to do ministry with a purpose for furthering the Gospel. I can say that I have built my house on the rock (Luke 6:48)”
Madison is preparing to serve in Uganda at an orphanage, Otino Waa. Please pray for her as she raises the support to serve for 5 months.
Andrea Boyce
Andrea is going to serve 3 months at RO4Y in Honduras, the ministry of our daughter and son-in-law, as a missionary nanny for our grand-babies. We are excited for her because we know she has her work cut out for her!
Eric Stephenson
Eric is serving at his church, Calvary Chapel Sioux Falls, and a men’s shelter. We know the Lord will use him in this environment and grow him here!
Rebekkah Nelson
“God showed me what surrender truly means, what the Christian daily walk needs to look like. That it’s not about what I can do for Him in this life but what He has already done for me on the cross. He is sovereign in EVERY situation, and faithful to fulfill His promise to ..."work all things for our good.." All I have to do is wake up, and choose to love a God who loves me unconditionally and trust that He is guiding me even when I don't see it.”
Rebekkah is serving along side of her mother in Des Moines, IA as a teachers assistant in an inner-city school. She has a great heart for kids and we know the Lord is at work in her life!
GAP 2014
We have two young women signed up for this coming year and several others praying for the Lord’s direction. Would you please pray with us? Would you pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest field? We know this is a huge commitment, but we also know there are great rewards for those willing to make the commitment.